
There is Power in Holy Spirit Led Prayer

July 16th, 2023

Guest speaker, Celia Gauthier, shares  on the importance of prayer.

God Can Use You

July 9th, 2023

An encouraging and challenging word from Kevin at Christ Connection in how just 30 seconds God can use us to change a situation and even a life! There is also a bonus word from his wife Jenny at the beginning. You will be blessed!

Many Hardships, Part 3

July 2nd, 2023

As we go through the book of Acts, it is our prayer that you will be open to what the Lord would want to do in and through you for His glory and His kingdom purposes.

Many Hardships, Part 2

June 25th, 2023

As we go through the book of Acts, it is our prayer that you will be open to what the Lord would want to do in and through you for His glory and His kingdom purposes.

Help Wanted

June 18th, 2023

A wall is needing to be rebuilt. The critical wall of righteousness that guards the land. Are you qualified to apply? If so, the United States of America needs you! Will you dare to be a wall rebuilder and gap filler? 


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