Prayer for Healing
We believe divine healing from God is an integral part of the gospel and deliverance from sickness is provided in the Atonement (Christ’s suffering and death for our reconciliation with God). Even today, God miraculously intervenes in the lives of hurting people suffering from emotional, spiritual, and physical pain. Though we cannot explain why some are healed while others are not, God knows all and does all things well according to a purpose only He knows.
The fact that some are not healed does not destroy the fact that God can and does heal. We believe neither the laying on of hands nor the anointing with oil is indispensable for healing, for often in Scripture healing takes place without either. But at times, the touch of a praying person and the application of oil are an encouragement to faith, and such a practice is enjoined by Scripture (James 5:14-16). We regularly practice this at our service and prayer times.