Only in a Church

Milestones, Journey Points, and Ordinances

Prayer for Healing

We believe divine healing from God is an integral part of the gospel and deliverance from sickness is provided in the Atonement (Christ’s suffering and death for our reconciliation with God). Even today, God miraculously intervenes in the lives of hurting people suffering from emotional, spiritual, and physical pain. Though we cannot explain why some are healed while others are not, God knows all and does all things well according to a purpose only He knows.

The fact that some are not healed does not destroy the fact that God can and does heal. We believe neither the laying on of hands nor the anointing with oil is indispensable for healing, for often in Scripture healing takes place without either. But at times, the touch of a praying person and the application of oil are an encouragement to faith, and such a practice is enjoined by Scripture (James 5:14-16). We regularly practice this at our service and prayer times.

Holy Communion

The Lord’s Supper or Communion, consisting of bread and the fruit of the vine, is a memorial of Christ’s suffering and death (I Corinthians 11:26). In eating and drinking the symbols of Christ’s suffering and death, the believer expresses his awareness that through salvation he has been made right with God and shares the divine nature of eternal life through our Lord Jesus Christ (2 Peter 1:4). The ordinance also looks forward to Christ’s second coming (I Corinthians 11:26) for it is a reminder to proclaim the Lord’s death “until He comes!” We offer open communion on a monthly basis.


The ordinance of baptism by immersion in water (not sprinkling) is commanded in the Scriptures (Mark 16:16). All who repent and believe in Jesus Christ as personal Savior and Lord are to be so baptized. This act of baptism symbolically declares to everyone that the old sinful life and lifestyle of the baptized believer died with Christ at salvation and a new spiritual being has been raise with Christ (in His resurrection) to live a new life. (Matthew 28:19; Mark 16:16; Acts 10:47-48; Romans 6:4). 

We offer baptism bi-annually, usually in January or February and August.


Becoming a member of Hill City Assembly of God Church does not have its “privileges,” it really has its responsibilities. Annually signing your name on a covenant form that says “you can count on me this year, I’m in. I’m here to serve, to give, to be accountable with my Christian life, and to see the mission of the church move forward”. 

If you would like to learn more about membership, please contact us at 218.697.2662.


God takes marriage seriously; it is a sacred covenant not to be taken lightly. Hill City Assembly of God Church also takes marriage seriously. We require premarital counseling and recommend it begin one year in advance. It is an honor for us to be a part of your wedding ceremony, and we are committed to making it a meaningful and joyous time in your lives. 

If you are interested in being married at Hill City Assembly of God Church or by our Pastor, please contact us at 218.697.2662.

Baby Dedication

The Bible says that children are a heritage and a reward from the Lord (Psalm 127:3). God has given parents the tremendous responsibility of raising their children in the ways of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4). He entrusts parents with the responsibility of establishing a foundation built upon Jesus Christ early in the lives of children. In view of this responsibility, Hill City Assembly of God Church believes baby dedications are actually family dedications. Christian parents are to do all they can to “set apart” their child to God until that child can make his or her own choice regarding a relationship with Jesus Christ. Parents make a vow to raise their child in God’s ways and not their own.

If you would like to discuss dedicating your baby, please contact us at 218.697.2662.

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