
Acts, An Introduction with a Promise

May 15th, 2022

As we go through the book of Acts, it is our prayer that you will be open to what the Lord would want to do in and through you for His glory and His kingdom purposes.

Five Marks of a Godly Mom

May 8th, 2022

We honor our Moms on Mother's Day. Motherhood is a vital role, but not an easy one especially if one endeavors to be a godly mom.

Useful in God's Kingdom

May 1st, 2022

Guest speaker and missionary Nick Puccini gives a missions update and shares on how we can be used in God's Kingdom.

Filled with Joy

April 24th, 2022

In times of trouble and suffering, Psalm 126 encourages us to reflect on what God has done in our past and to anticipate God doing it again as we commit ourselves to Him and continue to do good.

The Authenticity of the Resurrection

April 17th, 2022

The resurrection of Jesus Christ has been called the central event of world history. Why is it so important, and what does it mean for us almost 2,000 years later?


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