
The Room Upstairs

September 23rd, 2019

The baptism in the Holy Spirit: empowerment to go beyond what we could do on our own.

The Sequel

September 18th, 2019

The Gospels record Jesus life and ministry. Acts is the continuation, the sequel, of Jesus ministry carried on by the Holy Spirit and His disciples. And Jesus ministry continues today through the Holy Spirit and the Church as we are called to be Jesus' witnesses.

Jesus and Two Women

September 10th, 2019

Jesus crossed all barriers to share the gospel, and we who follow Him must do no less.

Telling Stories

September 1st, 2019

Same seed. Four different soils. Four different responses. Which one describes you?


August 28th, 2019

Being instead of doing. Resting instead of rushing. Unconventional? Yes. But it is a necessary thing for a follower of Jesus to put into practice.


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